Monday, 10 September 2012

Help is at hand!

Those who are observant and visit my blog regularly may have noticed that some buttons have appeared underneath my banner...(which is new btw and was made for me by jessieloverx so thanks very much!)

Basically, I'm adding pages to my blog. This isn't just a blog anymore, this will be an Everything-About-MSP website!

When I first joined MSP, a lot of things confused me, and I needed answers, but had nobody to ask. I've found the answers myself now, and I get lots of questions from people today. So, I thought I'd add pages to my website on lots of different topics to help you out.

Questions like, 'how do I give my pet accessories? How do I become a judge or jury? What are some nice Non-VIP outfits?' Will all be answered here. The pages are still in development but in the end I intend to have a page where you contact me for help, see lots of FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions) about pets, learn some nice ways to decorate your room, see some low-budget Non-VIP outfits, find some tips on making money and fame and learn all you need to know about being a VIP.

So I hope these new pages will help, please send your friends here when they ask you questions because they will hopefully find all the answers they need right here :)

I do what I can to help you guys out, so I hope it does help, good luck!

Love and kisses,

shonarose xx


  1. Hey osm blog! (; Could you pls tell me how to get those buttons onto ur blog? xx

    1. heyy thx, soz i cant remember how i did it try Googling it i cant help sozzieee >.<
